Sunday 9 February 2020

How To Groom Your Dog

In this article I'll go through some of the basic Dog Grooming terms you should know. You should not only learn how to groom your dog properly, but learn how to do it without having to rely on a guide, as well.

The first thing you will need is a towel. Place the towel on a chair or bench so that your dog can stand up. Make sure that there is enough room for your dog to stand up.

As your dog begins to stand up, using the towel, go over the towel with the comb. The comb should be completely wet, which makes it easy to use. This is the part where you work the inside part of the coat, including the undercoat, and out of the dog's head. Try to make sure you get the whole coat clean before you go over the towel again.

When you are finished, run the towel under cool water. It may take several attempts to get all of the dog's hair to fall off and be smooth. This can get very tiring for the dog, but it is necessary.

Now you can remove the fur of the dog from around the neck, back, ears, and belly. Be careful not to pull too hard, as it may cause injury to the dog's skin. If you injure the dog, it can become infected, and in the worst case scenario it can spread to the humans.

After you have removed all of the fur from the dog, comb all of the hair that has been left behind. After combing it, soak the brush into the bucket of warm water, and then rinse it thoroughly. The bristles on the brush should be cut off, as they will be used to comb the dog's fur.

The next step is to use the same small amount of hair you used on the dog, but now go over the dog's coat twice. Use the same amount of pressure as you did when you combed the coat. Go over the coat several times until you are finished.

When you are done with the towel, you can hang it up somewhere out of reach, and then you can hang the brush on the end of the towel, still covered with water. After the brush has dried, you can now give your dog a bath.

If your dog has any problems, like hair loss, you can brush or trim the hair that has grown in again. You can either just use the brush to comb out the growing hair or you can use the brush and comb at the same time. Never use too much pressure, and remember to wipe off any debris from the brush. Once you have cleaned the brush, you can now rinse it down with some water, but make sure that you don't touch the brush to the tub or basin that you used to clean it.

You can also comb the ears if the dog's ears are still large enough. If the dog's ears are too big, you can just cut them down and use the trimmer. You should allow the ear to completely dry before putting it back on the dog.

Hopefully this article has helped you understand how to groom your dog properly. Also, be sure to check out our other articles in this series to learn more about grooming your dog. I hope you enjoy it.